Our Process
We incorporate business and impact aspects throughout the whole investment process.
Deal screening
Assessment if target impact fits into impact objectives. High level assessment of the problem, its importance, scale and expected outcomes.
Assessment if the idea fits into business objectives. High level assessment of idea relevance, technology, market and business model.
Assessment of impact objectives, mapping stakeholder expectations, verification and evaluation of expected results.
Due diligence
Detailed assessment of commercial, operational and financial aspects including business model, scalability, long-term growth potential.
Deal structuring
Together with the businesses we agree on impact KPIs and set objectives. Agreements regarding monitoring and reporting processes.
Selecting the right financial instruments and tailored investment structures, identifying business development areas, signing the term-sheet.
Regularly assess impact results against the key indicators, verify and value reported results, improving the processes where needed.
Participating in strategic meetings, sharing our network of investors and talents, fund-raising support.
Investment management
Assess impact results against set objectives, verification and and evaluation of reported results.
Developing and executing the exit strategy, while ensuring that business and impact stay in place after exit.